Next Generation Air Transportation System Institute

Just as the Integrated National Plan represents a bold departure in the way that Federal agencies work together to achieve common objectives, VISION 100 presents a new and revolutionary way for government and the private sector to interact to achieve the objectives of the NGATS Integrated Plan.

Rather than observing and commenting, the private sector is joining with the government as a full partner in the NGATS development process. Technical experts and system stakeholders from the private sector are participating as full members of the interagency Integrated Product Teams. The private sector has and continues to contribute its best and brightest technical, scientific, and professional talent and companies to serve on selected IPTs and work groups, perform studies and projects, and conduct technology demonstrations in support of the NGATS. And the stakeholder community itself, through the NGATS Institute, is managing how those private sector resources are selected and applied to the NGATS mission.

NGATS Institute Structure and Operating Procedures
Cooperative enterprise between Government and the private sector is taking place through the NGATS Institute.

The NGATS Institute is an alliance among organizations representing major aviation stakeholder communities, who support the NGATS mission by recruiting, selecting, and assigning private sector experts and technical resources to participate on IPTs, and perform technical work for the IPTs/JPDO.

The Institute operates under guidelines set forth in the funding agreement between the FAA/JPDO and the host organization, the National Center for Advanced Technologies (NCAT). The agreement provides that the NGATS Institute will be governed by a sixteen (16) member Institute Management Council (IMC) that is broadly representative of the aviation stakeholder community. Chaired by the Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA) and the Air Transport Association (ATA), the IMC includes representatives of regional commercial airline operations, business aircraft operations, helicopter operations; small aircraft general aviation, commercial pilots, air traffic controllers, airport operators, manufacturers of air vehicles, manufacturers of airborne/spaceborne and ground based equipment, federal advisory committees, universities, and nonprofit research organizations. The JPDO Director serves on the IMC in a non-voting capacity. Day-to-day operations of the NGATS Institute is managed by an Executive Director, selected by an Executive Committee of the IMC and employed by NCAT.

When the JPDO tasks the Institute to recruit an expert for assignment to an IPT or working group, or to perform a specific project, the Executive Director publishes an announcement and initiates a search for candidates and/or bidders. In consultation with a panel of at least three advisors, the Executive Director makes selections. An IPT assignment is subject to review by the IMC; project award decisions are subject to review by a standing Contractual Awards Oversight Board, a subcommittee of the IMC.

Participation in the Institute is free of charge, and open to everyone. The Institute will holds at least one public meeting per year. A report of the Institute's activities is given, and comments invited.

Information and Contact
For additional information on the NGATS Institute contact people listed here

Download details on JPDO's process for tasking the NGATS institute >

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